For people wishing to become clinical psychologists, the university degree route is the essential pathway to realising this ambition. With plenty of theory and training, the university route into clinical psychology provides aspiring professionals with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed.
Learn moreTo practise as a clinical psychologist, you need to complete a few training steps. Typically, you’ll normally need to complete a psychology degree accredited by The British Psychological Society (BPS). Psychology degrees are incredibly popular, with many institutions offering different courses for you to pursue. Once you’ve graduated from this, you’d complete a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology, again approved by the BPS. This is an essential step in undertaking a career specifically in clinical psychology.
Psychology degrees are one of the most popular university degrees - typically lasting three years if undertaken full-time, with part-time courses taking longer to complete. This is due to the fact that the contact hours per week (the time spent learning with academic staff) tend to be fewer with the course being spread out longer. Once completed, you would either achieve a Bachelor of Science (BSc) or Bachelor of Arts (BA) qualification, depending on the course in question.
It’s important to know some people may opt to take a psychology degree, whereas others may prefer to take a clinical psychology degree. Both would allow you to pursue a career as a clinical psychologist, but it’s important to know that the contents of the course may differ slightly.
Although the contents of the course will differ, there are some standard elements to any course. The academic element of the university degree will involve typical aspects of any course - you may write reports and essays, attend lectures and seminars, and take part in research projects.
Did you know that a psychology degree is one of the most desired and employable degrees out there? An undergraduate degree in psychology will give you the fundamentals needed to succeed, and is an essential requirement for undertaking the doctorate. With some dedication, success at interviews, and a desire to succeed, you’ll eventually secure the job of your dreams.